I'm such a bad blogger! Between the pregnancy, organizing our American ladies group and just the care of a 3yr old well, I just don't seem to manage to get on here like I used to! Things are going really well with the pregnancy! It's a girl and we are so excited. We have decided to name her Genevieve and we will call her Gigi for short! I just can't wait to meet her and to hold her! I'm so ready to have an infant again, I think ... lol. I'm not so sure about the lack of sleep because I'm still tryin to recover from the last time ... 3yrs later ... lol. I told Audrey today that she is going to be a big sister and she is over the moon! She's so cute and sweet about "her baby, Gigi". It's like a dream come true, I'm going to have two little princesses to fawn over and spoil rotten!
On another note, someone somewhere decided my hubby needed a blackberry! That thing is awful! We can't do any activities without him picking the darn thing up every little bit to check his mail ... I think this is going down in my books as one of the most ill thought out inventions of our time... (ok ok maybe a little extreme ... but honestly ... when you are trying to take a scenic drive as a family around the beauty of Cyprus and your husband picks up his phone 5 times in 45 minutes .... well you get the picture)
Ok, maybe I'll actually get my act together and start blogging on a regular basis again! For all of you expats out there look for my experiences coming to you on having a baby outside of the U.S. I'm going from having Audrey at one of the top baby hospitals in the country to a very small private clinic in a not so well developed country... needless to say ... I'm a little apprehensive... But at the end of the God is in control, and I know he loves me and my family and will take care of us!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shoes... Can you blame her.
So, it was about 10:30 tonight and something just felt off, so I peeked in on Audrey and shockingly, she was not in her bed. All of a sudden this little head pops up on the far side of her bed. She was on the floor and I asked "what are you doing, why are you not in bed", stearnly. She then says" nothing mommy, nothing". She quickly flew back into the bed. I noticed as she franticly tried to stuff her feet under the covers that she was wearing her new shoes we had just bought. Now how can I be mad, that my daughter has snuck out of bed to try on her new shoes? I mean seriously, I would have been doing the same thing :D
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Holiday Traditions
Blog party day 2!
Today at http://www.momdot.com/ they are asking us to share our favorite family traditions and maybe some we would like to begin! Today's question is sponsored by LaPlates and Lets Go Strolling and Natitys Design.
Well, our family is different. My husband is born and bred German and I'm born and bred American. Living overseas I only get to celebrate with my family every other year because we are obligated to visit his family on the off years... one of the very few downfalls of marriage is having to share holidays. My husband's family are not believers and that makes Christmas there really difficult for me because I feel like the meaning of Christmas is being ignored and forgotten! Not to mention theydon't even put up a Christmas tree, it's a Christmas bush so to speak... So, I will just talk about my side of the family,otherwise I'll get depressed and I'll depress y'all which doesn't make for much of a party ... hahaha. Have you guessed whose year it is for Christmas yet .... lol.
So, here's what I'll be missing this year. Actually, I'm going home next week so I will at least get turkey day with my folks :D On Thanksgiving, it is tradition that we watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade (my favorite is always the rockets, and whatever broadway show's they are showcasing), as soon as the parade is finished, Turkey is served . After Turkey begins the Christmas movie marathon! Then midnight madness at the outlets (this will be a new tradition for us this year :D), and Friday morning isreservedfor best buy. Friday AFternoon we get the tree, decorate and this year we'll celebrate Christmas. When I'm with my side of the family for Christmas there are lots of traditions and I love them all!
Beginning with Thanksgiving we watch a Christmas movie everynight until New year's day! We decorate really big, you'll notice the gigantic Christmas tree (complete with train, mini village and fake snow blanket) and huge nutcracker in the photo from my day 1 party post. We also always sing with our Church choir at Epcot's candlelight processional! It is an amazing experience, and if you are going to the parks this year I definitely recommend this concert/reading of the Christmas story for getting in the Christmas spirit. On Christmas Eve we attend the fantastic musical Christmas eve service at our church, we all sing in the choir, then go home bake cookies and watch the musical version of scrooge with Albert Finney. It's my dad's favorite. At the end of the movie, my dad gets up sings one more verse of "thank you very much" while jigging and clicking his heels like scrooge and we set out the cookies and milk for Santa complete with carrot for Rudolph.
My parents always told me that as long as I "believed" in Santa there would be presents from Santa. So I'm a 26 year old believer in Santa Clause :D hehe. Then Christmas morning we all get up have a pancake breakast made by daddy, and the present opening marathon begins.
We take turns unwrapping because we all really like to see each other's reactions to our gifts, especially when we've put a lot of thought into it. If Christmas falls on a Sunday then we have pancakes, then church, and then present unwrapping. Mom makes an awesome roast for Christmas dinner which we eat at lunch. The rest of Christmas day is spent hanging with the family watching Christmas movies and playing with Christmas presents! Oh and we are big on Carols. My family is very musical and we randomly burst into song at anytime during the holiday season with our favorite Christmas carols. Everyone has their own part and everything! Sometimes we even go caroling to the neighbors houses! So that's it, that's what my family does traditionally for the holidays!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Christmas and my family!
Hi everyone! I can't tell you how excited I am about the momdot.com Christmas blog party! I've never participated in a blog party before so I'm really looking forward to this! So, today I'm supposed to tell you and show you about my family. This is a photo of us last Christmas at mom and dad's!

Today's blog party question is sponsored by: La belle Toile http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6259021 and This and That by Randi http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6083668

From Left to right: (me, audrey, timothy, mom, dad, and my blister "aka" Victoria)
Today's blog party question is sponsored by: La belle Toile http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6259021 and This and That by Randi http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6083668
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