Hey all! The folks over at 5minutesformom.com are having a dvd giveaway contest. They are looking for the best proposal story to win a romantic dvd prize package in honor of the new release Definitely, maybe. You can also checkout http://www.definitelymaybemovie.com/ for a $5 off coupon!
My husband and I met randomly through the aol member search directory in the summer of 1999. My husband is German and was not doing so hot in his English class, so he went in search of a pen pal to help him. I was 17 and he was 19. We talked for 9 months over the internet and on the phone. We thought it would be lots of fun to finally meet just as friends, so he flew in to Atlanta to take me to my senior prom! As soon as he stepped out of customs we were gone on each other. He scooped me up and twirled me around in his big german arms and called me his princess, in that super sexy accent. I melted! We fell for each other that weekend and decided to give the long distance relationship a chance. Two and a half years later we were both deep into our college studies and struggling through seeing each other only every 6 months or so but talking daily! He wanted me to feel secure in our relationship even though we were so far apart. So he wanted us to get engaged even though we wouldn't actually marry until we graduated. There was a huge obstacle in our way, the engagement ring! Engagement rings are more or less an American thing and Timothy didn't have much money, actually he had no money. Don't get me wrong I didn't expect anything huge but I knew I wanted some semblence of a ring, I mean doesn't every girl? Well, desperate Timothy wrote to a german tv show called love stories telling them that I was to visit that Christmas and that he desperately wanted to propose to me but that alas, he could not afford any kind of ring, and could they please help him. Well, unbeknownst to him they called me. They told me that Timothy had entered a contest for people with a great love story. The prize was the fullfillment of his secret wish and that we had won! They offered to fly me there and to surprise him with my presence and the fullfillment of his wish. They led me to believe that we were going on some great date to a fancy restaurant and show. They also told me that since I was under 21 I needed a video of my parents giving me permission to be on german tv. I thought that was odd since the drinking age was 14, and the driving age 18. But hey, they were offering to fly me for free to see my boyfriend so I didn't ask a lot of questions. They took their tv cameras to his University and pulled him out of class in front of all his peers and took him to the studio. I was unable to see what was going on during the show and was told that we were the last couple. Meanwhile at the beginning of the show they brought Timothy on and read his letter, they also read a letter of another girl who wanted a plane ticket to see her boyfriend who lived in the UK. Well, the two of them would have to compete to see who got what they wanted and only one could win. They brought out a huge plastic cow and had the two of them milk it. Whoever got the most milk won their specific prize (the plane ticket, or the ring). Well, they rigged it by putting a sponge in her side and Timothy won by a landslide. So he went to sit back down in his seat in the audience thinking he was done. At the end of the show, the host came back to Timothy and asked him now that you have the ring what will you do? Timothy replied that he would have to call my parents and ask them for permission to marry thier daughter, as is the American custom. Well, then the video I brought of my parents giving permission for me to be on tv played, it was actually their permission for us to get married. Timothy began to cry as my father told him welcome to the family! So the host then said "well, you have the ring and the permission, now what?" So timothy told them that I was to come at Christmas and he would propose to me then. The host then told Timothy that something had come early for Christmas, the stage doors opened and out I popped! Timothy dropped to his knee imediately, and gave the most beautiful unrehearsed suprise proposal ever! I shakily got out a yes, and he scooped me up once more twirled me around and we gave each other a great big kiss for all of Germany to see! We both graduated in December 2004 and were married May 2005. We just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and are as much in love as ever!
What an amazing story!
Beautiful story!
awesome story!!!
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